Friday, February 29, 2008

Caramels {in the microwave}

Yes, in the microwave. You know those great homemade caramel { Aunt Stacy makes a wicked batch} and yes I make them all the time and they totally work.

1/2 C butter
1/2 C corn syrup
1/2 C white sugar
1/2 C brown sugar
1/2 C sweetened condensed milk
1/2 C chipped pecans {optional}

In large microwave safe bowl melt butter. Add syrup, sugars, and milk. Stir well and microwave for 6-8 minutes. Now you'll have to figure out time with your own microwave. This may be too long or not long enough. The soft ball method works for this. { get a small cup with a little cold water in it. drop a small amount of caramel into the water. dump the water and check the consistency of the caramel. this is what the caramel will be like when it's set up.}
Pour onto a greased dish and refrigerate for 30 minutes. They can be cut, wrapped in chocolate, and wrapped in wax paper.

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